Stake: 1x01
Title: Pilot
Writer: JJ Abrams
Director: Alex Graves
transmission Day: September 9, 2008
Synopsis: When Flight 627 lands with all passengers and crew dead, FBI agent Olivia Dunham is called to settle the case. The search will bring it to seek the help of Dr. Walter Bishop, a sort of modern-day Einstein. There's only one problem: Dr. Bishop is imprisoned for 20 years in a mental institution, the only option that has to get it out is to ask Dunham the help of the scientist's son, Peter Bishop. With the support also of the agent Phillip Broyles, our trio will discover that what happened on that fatal flight is only a small piece of a more shocking truth.
-At the end of the episode appears on this appears to be a sort of diagram that shows where to look for clues about the Massive Dynamic in the show.
-Looking for clues in the episode and then just follow the directions given from the image above you will notice that:
- Inside the engine of Flight 627 is the symbol of the MD.
- on the satellite dish that is seen during the chase over the roofs are still the symbol of the MD.
- symbol that appears when opening the door of the laboratory where it will be "questioned" agent Scott is a leaf. Same symbol used in promotional images of Fringe.
-During the sequence of the "dream" of Olivia to come into contact with the agent Scott displayed many easter eggs:
- On the tombstone will read "He's not dead. " The kayak
- uncle of Olivia, there are a large and written in under 3 ZENO with green dots and one red.
- House of dolls that you see behind Olivia some argue that it can be a sort of spot for the new serial titled FOX's own dollhouse.
-In the scene where you see the building of Massive Dynamic are two other very specific clues:
- The light pole is attached a sticker that shows the 'address of a website, . This site actually exists and was created in June last year.
- the stand of the magazines are clearly drawn a pencil (pen) and a rose (pink), whose English names together give Penrose. Searching the Internet Penrose is the name of Professor Roger Penrose, a physicist, mathematician and philosopher English. HERE find the page dedicated to him on wikipedia. Penrose is also the inventor of the twistor theory which draws on the theory of SpazioTepo designed by four-dimensional Minkowski (This name should prick up their ears to all the fans of LOST). On-Line is also a site called , requires a password to access it, we will see if this will be a site about the world of Fringe.
- Although it is very difficult to read behind the glass doors of the entrance of the building seems to appear the message MUST NOT BE BOUGHT (not to be purchased)
-In the sequence inside the building when the MD Olivia talks with Nina Sharp are noted:
- The mechanical arm that was impiatato MD seems to be the same transparency similar to the effect that you see on the body of the agent Scott infected with the virus.
- Nina Sharp is wearing a necklace with a pendant that seems to be the leaf.
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