The Soil degradation is at least 80 EUR each year to each inhabitant of the European Union. The estimates are contained in the Commission Communication to the Parliament (COM (2006) 231), better known as Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection . The communication quantified the annual costs for the Company:
• erosion: from 0.7 to 14.0 billion euro
• Organic matter decline: from 3.4 to 5.6 billion euro
• compaction: no estimate possible
• salinisation: 158 - 321 million €
• landslides: up to 1.2 billion euro per event
• contamination: 2.4 - 17.3 billion €
• sealing: no estimate possible
• biodiversity decline: no estimate possible.
In Italy he began to argue. It filed a bill specific provisions for the protection of soil (b. 1926 VIII assigned to the Environmental Commission January 16, 2007) and 14th Standing Committee of the Italian Parliament endorses the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament. XV term ends and the next in the bill provisions for the protection soil is re (Act Room 274/XVI Legislature; C.274 assigned September 5, 2008, not yet started the examination). And the regions are activated. In the Piedmont Region, for example, is presented the same bill provisions for the protection of soil (Proposal for Regional Law 569 of 11 September 2008).
... and meanwhile the Swiss Confederation from 1st October 1998 is in force ' Order against deterioration of soil (or soil, RS 814.12).
• erosion: from 0.7 to 14.0 billion euro
• Organic matter decline: from 3.4 to 5.6 billion euro
• compaction: no estimate possible
• salinisation: 158 - 321 million €
• landslides: up to 1.2 billion euro per event
• contamination: 2.4 - 17.3 billion €
• sealing: no estimate possible
• biodiversity decline: no estimate possible.
In Italy he began to argue. It filed a bill specific provisions for the protection of soil (b. 1926 VIII assigned to the Environmental Commission January 16, 2007) and 14th Standing Committee of the Italian Parliament endorses the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament. XV term ends and the next in the bill provisions for the protection soil is re (Act Room 274/XVI Legislature; C.274 assigned September 5, 2008, not yet started the examination). And the regions are activated. In the Piedmont Region, for example, is presented the same bill provisions for the protection of soil (Proposal for Regional Law 569 of 11 September 2008).
... and meanwhile the Swiss Confederation from 1st October 1998 is in force ' Order against deterioration of soil (or soil, RS 814.12).
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