Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Older More Frequent Menstruation Or Periods

DD Awards 2010

I have to say it all? I hate year-end rankings, I just like to read those of others.
But it's just going to show at least one direction.
avarissimo 2010 novel really interesting.
Full of nice things (and I accidentally forget and surely someone Crystal Castles, the drums, neon trees, Deerhunter, tame impala, caribou, beady eye ,...).
Miser of things can really make a mark.
Exceptions are only 2 in my opinion.
and are neither the National, whose High Violet is a confirmation, but can not get over the past summits, nor the Arcade Fire, the authors of a beautiful drive but I can not classify "masterpiece" because heavily indebted to the past.
Not even the great return of Tom Petty album with bluesy Mojo is a reason to jump on the chair. It 'was "only" the welcome return to high levels of an old friend. The two exceptions are the
Midlake and JOHN GRANT . Why do I mention them together? Midlake Why did an excellent album ("The courage of others") but also and above all, played and produced the sensational debut solo album of John Grant, " Queen of Denmark." Former leader of
cupissimi Czars, John Grant from Denver Colorado comes to this album, thanks the interest of Texans Midlake and fished out his personal existential abyss, churning out a record that became an instant classic.
Listening is difficult to give a timing and / or gender.
E 'essentially beautiful music, with a prevalence of melancholic ballads and more.
musical compositions are of great importance, combined with deep lyrics that describe very well the inner troubles of John Grant, who may seem so stereotypical (drugs, alcohol, Being gay) but always poignant and engaging. The aid given by Midlake
looks a little bit about what those eons ago the first Bowie to Lou Reed and Iggy Pop. And you can only say thank goodness that there was. Of all the beautiful
songs in Queen of Denmark I really liked this IT'S EASIER that at times verges on the slow and stately pace of some songs from Pink Floyd.
A great new author for years to come, if only by the hold up emotionally.


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